Building Solutions was awarded two XXL contracts for SAP
SAP entrusts six sites in France and Morocco and the contract to transform work spaces at its French headquarters to Building Solutions.
SAP, a longstanding partner
SAP and VINCI Facilities have been partners for many years. SAP France was highly satisfied with VINCI Facilities’ performance at Mougins and Caen, and in late 2017 awarded VINCI Facilities a multi‑technical maintenance contract for its French headquarters in Levallois Perret, the “So Ouest” Tower.
One year later, following several contract amendments and performance meeting the customer’s expectations, VINCI Facilities was awarded the contract covering comprehensive service provision (FM) for the French headquarters. The contract thus became Full FM.
VINCI Facilities is also providing Hospitality Management, Cleaning and Green Space services at the new SAP.iO incubator in rue Moncey (Paris 9th arrondissement).
To operate SAP sites, an international call for proposals
In spring 2019, the SAP Group launched a new FM call for tender for its EMEA (Europe, Middle East & Africa) area. The objective was to appoint a single provider able to operate a Facilities Management contract covering 42 countries.
The choice would be based on the prospective provider’s ability to submit a bid focused on user experience and innovation.
This was a complicated challenge, given competition with well-regarded companies such as JLL and CBRE, the only other providers able to bid on the overall EMEA area.
Success factors
The strategy was to submit a customised bid in countries where VINCI Facilities is well established: France, the Netherlands, Morocco and Belgium, which form a sub-region within the customer’s organisation. This time-consuming task, which took six months to complete and was performed in English, required three formal presentations and involved some 20 employees.
The excellent knowledge of SAP’s activities and close collaboration between the different VINCI Facilities countries and business units made the difference.
Result: SAP decided to postpone the project by at least two years, in order to continue with VINCI Facilities as sole provider for its five sites in France and one site in Morocco.
Services provided
- Soft Services
- Cleaning
- Helpdesk & reception
- Mail service
- Meeting space management
- Multi services & Handling
- Mobility solutions management
- Automatic distribution
- Workplace management
- Waste management
- Employee services
- Hard Services
- Multi-technical
- Regulatory inspections
Key figures
- Contract start: 01/01/2020
- Contract duration: 2 years
- Contract value: €2.3 million per year
Project team
- Lydie Ferard-Rivoal, Louis Fréchet, Alexandra Richard & Gaël-Miguel Juillard.
- Guillaume Challe, Frédéric Michelet, Yan Delaunay, and their project management (Arnaud Scherrer, Sébastien Pottier & Thibaut Hot) and sales (Bruno Fondet) teams.
- Employees in the Netherlands, Belgium and Morocco: Peter Dehne, Jos Wortelboer, Philippe Van-Hasselt and Hicham Hachimi.
Building Solutions chosen for SAP’s transformation
In a separate development, VINCI Energies won a €10 million two-year Design & Build contract to transform work spaces in the SAP tower, with the site remaining in use throughout. This call for tender kicked off implementation of the group’s new HR plan: “The Future of Work”. SAP faces the challenge of transforming its work practices to remain competitive, adapt to modern working methods and attract the best employees.
A trial of this worldwide project will be carried out at the headquarters in France. The plan is to refit 12 floors of the So Ouest Tower in Levallois Perret, i.e. 20,000 square metres of office space.
Success factors
This contract was won through a joint Building Solutions bid organised by Qivy Tertiaire as general contractor and VINCI Facilities for the commercial relationship. SAP proved particularly receptive to the bid submitted by VINCI Energies, which perfectly matched their expectations and addressed their concerns about a project of this size, offering:
- recognised construction expertise to create premises corresponding to their vision;
- FM vision and provision to care for the buildings and their users during the works.
Alongside the VINCI Facilities and Qivy Tertiaire teams, the companies working on the project are:
- DEGW for the architectural design;
- OMNIDEC for construction of the interior architectural works (movable partitions, false ceilings, carpeting);
- SDEL GPI for the power supply and ELV works packages.
Key figures
The works will begin in mid-February 2020 and continue until 2022, with the site remaining in use throughout.
The order is divided into two phases:
- a confirmed initial €1.6 million phase to refit two floors, to be completed by the end of March;
- to be confirmed, a second phase for 10 further floors over two years, with a contract value of €8.2 million.
Project team
- Lydie Férard-Rivoal & Louis Fréchet (VINCI Facilities)
- Pierre Gales & Dina Boulaq (Qivy Tertiaire)
- Cécile Hourriez & Ilva Haxhi (DEGW France)
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