
08 Jun.
Network's news

Building Solutions France Day

Our activity domain was recently renamed “Buidling Solutions”. It now gathers the business units involved in Engineering and Works as well as in Maintenance and Facility Management. The network has an international vocation.


A new banner for a reinforced strategic ambition, in a sector that represents not less than 25% of VINCI Energies revenues. It is by the way the first activity of the group.


BUILDING Solutions anticipates the evolution of our sector, including our customers’ expectations. With such a unique position, a complete range of expertise, it covers the whole life of the buildings, from the preliminary studies to the Facility Management.


The move is on, and started with France, first country to organize – for the second year in a row – the Building Solutions Day. All directors were present in Aix en Provence, this 31st of May, to exchange on this growing momentum.


The emphasis was on synergies between Works and Maintenance. Whether on innovation (for example smart building), on business development (how to foster VINCI Energies for works on a VINCI Facilities contract, and vice versa), on such important technical issues as BIM and Energy efficiency, or last but not least in clubs! Many topics that require a day to day commitment from directors and BU managers.




It is a good time for a successful transformation. Business expectations are high, and new technologies and innovations should allow us to make some new and most appropriate offerings to our customers.


During that day, Christian Glade, Deputy General Manager of VINCI Energies and in charge of Building Solutions activity in France, put the stress on how to get rid of remaining brakes, and how to accelerate the move. He shared his optimism and his trust in this growing organization. VINCI Energies holds today all the cards to reinforce its position.



The Building Solutions team organized its first Innovation Day at Lille on 29th May. The first of many to come. The concept is simple: an Innovation Day is organized at the local scale of one or two directors’ turf, in a venue rented for that purpose. Two hours in plenary session, internal, in presence of the BU managers and project managers. Then, customers arrive and are invited to 6 short presentations of innovations, in dedicated stalls. 


The Innovation day ends with a pleasant cocktail and lunch.

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