How to cool the office down without refrigeration?
Today, any system installed to cool down office space requires ice water produced by refrigeration units. The heart of these machines is a compressor, which also uses lots of electrical energy. But now, you can have a comfortably cool summer without the use of electricity: thanks to a truly innovative new process signed Sustainair.
The start-up wanted to create a way to cool space without the need of refrigeration machines. The team designed a central air handling unit that, thanks to a desiccant wheel, greatly reduces the amount of heat in the air outside. Air is then cooled by what’s known as the adiabatic process to between 18° and 20°C before being injected into the premises.
This desiccant wheel requires regeneration, obtained by reheating extracted air before its passage through the wheel.
The central handling unit comes fully equipped with an electric control and settings panel. Configuring and start-up are also taken care of by Sustainair.
What we think:
This solution deserves to be tested in every possible application where high-temperature air flows (like in labs, large covered spaces, concert halls…) are involved; it’s possible to correctly cool down premises despite relatively high air flow temperatures. The builder has stated that this solution presents real savings for air flows that are greater than 10 000 M3/H.
Contact: lamouche.thierry@sustainair.fr
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