Automatic building management will soon be mandatory!
Among the several different ways to reduce the carbon footprint of buildings, the most effective is to reduce energy consumption. In addition to boosting the performance of the building itself, it is possible to lower consumption by using building energy management systems, known in office buildings as “BAS” (Building Automation Systems).
The new factor is a European directive enacted in June 2018 making it mandatory to implement such systems. This is the “BACS” or Building Automation Control System directive. The decree currently being prepared will transpose the European directive in France.
What is the scope?
The directive covers all non-residential buildings in which the rated output of HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) systems is more than 290 kW.
How are these building automation and control (BACS) systems to be integrated?
In new buildings, they are connected to energy systems from the outset.
In existing buildings, retrofit is mandatory if the return on investment period is less than 6 years.
When production equipment is replaced, it must be connected to building automation and control systems.
What are the functions?
The decree specifies the functions, which are summarised as follows:
• Track, record and analyse energy production and consumption data
• Adjust production systems
• Compare data to reference values
• Identify production system efficiency defects and possible improvements
• Authoriser manual controls
• Be interoperable
The decree also requires introduction of a maintenance contract and training of the operator in the operation and programming of the system.
What are the next steps?
Publication and entry into force of the decree is expected in mid-2020. All buildings will be required to be equipped by 1 January 2025.
The decree is currently in the consultation phase. The DHUP (Direction de l’Habitat, de l’Urbanisme et des Paysages – department of housing, urban planning and landscape) schedules presentations for programme and project managers.
On 5 December 2019, Cegelec 3S, represented by Sylvain Massin, spoke at a public meeting to describe the advantages of BACS based on project feedback.
What are the consequences for Building Solutions?
This directive is part of a strong drive to reduce energy consumption. In France it follows the service sector decree on renovation. Major changes in the field of BAS, for which we account for about 20% of the market in France, are therefore to be expected. We can begin now to discuss the issue with our clients to enable them to include these parameters in their investment plans.
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