Santiago, Chile: a project on the other side of the planet
This project has come a long way! In 2012, Claude RENAUT, at that time the General Manager of the Tertiaire Ile-de-France pole, wanted to develop a cooperation with VINCI Construction Major Projects (VCGP), on international projects. A few trials were attempted on a huge project in Russia, and then on the extension of the Cambodian airports. But the first success was met on the Santiago airport.
In october 2014, VINCI Energies takes part to a mission in Chile, in order to assess local subcontractors and suppliers together with VCGP. They also contribute to the cost assessment for the final offer. In april 2015, the consortium led by VINCI Concessions is awarded the concession. VINCI Energies makes an offer for the design, in consortium with NBI, which is a subsidiary of the VCGP’s partner, and with IDOM as a Spanish engineering partner. Finally, VCGP will place the purchase order directly to IDOM, and VINCI Energies and NBI will provide only project management during the design phase (5 months in France, 5 months in Chile).
The team from VINCI Energies returns from Chile in august 2016, after having submitted a complete offer for the HVAC works. VCGP will issue the final RFQ only at the end of 2016. At that time, Patrice BARCELONE is back from New Caledonia, where he was in charge of the KOUTIO Hospital project. He resumes the negotiation, sets all the details, and wins the market in March 2017.
In just a few months, they need to send a team on site, to create a Chilean company, to hire some local employees plus a few VIE (International Volunteers in Business program), to finalize the execution design (3D BIM + seismic constraints), to get accustomed with the Chilean law, to assess and chose the subcontractors, to launch the site works, catch up with the planning, and to get familiar with the complexity of invoicing in three different currencies (peso, euro and dollar). Over the 260 000 m² of new construction for that project, 210 000 m² are concerned with HVAC. The first two peers and the central production plant (Heating and Cooling) are being finalized and represent close to a third of the works.
Today, the team comprises 7 expatriates, 4 VIE, 14 Chilean employees, and not less than 200 subcontractors’ workers on site. The bulk of the works is still ahead.
First anticipated handover in november, 2018, for the first peers and the thermal production plant
Final handover in November 2020
For more details: please refer to the internal letter of Pôle Tertaire idF, September 2018
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