Engineering & Works

21 Jan.
Technical Topics & Expertises

REVE: the new green offer developed by Demouselle Pas-de-Calais

REVE stands for “Recharging Electric Vehicles Ecologically”. This solution, developed by Demouselle Pas-de-Calais (VEF TNESI pole – North of France), received the “Technical Prize” at the VINCI 2021 Environment Awards ceremony. It is one of the three Building Solutions winners. 


Where did this initiative come from?


At Demouselle Pas-de-Calais, they were looking for a solution to power their building and charge their electric vehicles at any time of day using renewable energy. They were already convinced of the benefits of installing solar panels on tertiary-sector buildings. Linked with the storage and cleverly managed using SMART BUILDING technology, this system clearly speaks for itself in the very short term.


REVE – what is it? 


This integrated offer for our customers combines:


⚡ renewable energy production capacity, with ️70 solar panels installed for instant power output of 23 kW;


🔋 electricity storage, with second-hand batteries (Nissan LEAF) providing capacity of 20 kW;


🚙 installation of 22 kW charging terminals in our parking area to recharge our fleet of electrical vehicles, and our customers’ vehicles too;


🤖 an intelligent home automation system for electricity generation, with the WAVE platform developed by Smart Building Energies.


What are the benefits?


As explained François CARLU, business unit manager: ” We’ve reduced our consumption of fossil fuels and making a direct saving of 60% on our electricity bill. Our reputation is enhanced through our improved CSR performance. Also, our customers are visiting to find out more about the installation!” 


What is the cost and interest for the group?


The question is: can this be REPLICATED? The answer is 100% yes!

“It’s a semi-industrial installation process, with no major study costs. It cost us 40,000 euros. Our ROI, maintenance included, is seven years. It would only take 10 business units like us to equip all VINCI Energies France buildings in around three years. We’re certain that this initiative offers strong business prospects for the group, in addition to its environmental impact” David Desablence, Business Manager.


To learn more about REVE 👉 please contact David Desablence


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