Nicolas HOFFER: new RD of the Loire Auvergne region
Nicolas HOFFER has almost exclusively worked for Cegelec Pays de Savoie since he joined the Group. From day one of his career as a young engineer, he learned the importance of a good relationship between the site foreman – a key factor when it comes to a project’s success – and the project manager.
He witnessed first-hand how a well-organized company, one that respected its employees, could help those individuals grow towards greater responsibilities and a higher level of professionalism. He was also able to observe just how fragile an edifice can be. A few bad decisions, a few half-baked ideas that exceed our field of expertise, and the situation can go from grim to grisly in a nanosecond.
Cegelec Pays de Savoie experienced its own moment of hesitation between growing the core competence in which they specifically excel (like high-altitude hotels and residences) and the race to erect buildings in more urban settings. When Cegelec joined VINCI Energies, the group was able to concentrate on total control and margins over volume. This is when Nicolas took over the reins at Cegelec Pays de Savoie.
High-altitude sites have now became their focus. Sites on more level land are a supplement when necessary (seasonality), and under specific conditions. This change allowed Cegelec Pays de Savoie to reflect deeply upstream on what’s so specific about building high up (long transportation hauls, isolation of work sites, reduced site teams at start-up, further causing site foremen to produce almost as much as their assemblers). And at delivery, to organize the company so that the perfect adaptation to these specific details becomes an irresistible sales argument. Real market segmentation, designed and maintained by performance.
Started in September, Nicolas has undertaken a new challenge: adding Sylvain BEATA’s perimeter to his plate: Santerne Thermique et Climatique, Santerne Elec, Santerne Energies, Cegelec Roanne Tertiaire, Cegelec Le puy Tertiaire and Santerne Surfaces Commerciales. An entire new region to lead, with new responsibilities, new cities and new markets…
Nicolas will continue bringing his convictions to life: performance and competitiveness combined with deliberate segmentation choices, and powered by enthusiasm!
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