Newsflash Clubs
The HVAC Club
DG Sponsor: Eric Plumey
DR Host: Olivier Lemesle
Meetings: 1 per week
- Galvanize the community; bring members together
- Provide cross-functional expertise by appointing in-house specialists in charge of:
site / business / tech audits in the event of acquisitions; monitoring new technologies in Building Solutions
- Encourage mobility in the thermal power sector
- Appoint Campus Managers to oversee business relations with universities, et. al.
The project to galvanize members has not been finalized. Significant divergences remain between IDF and other Poles.
HVAC Super-Size Facilities
DR Host: Michel-Andre Tirat
Meetings: Last held on 23 March near Nausicàa Aquatic Park, Boulogne sur Mer
- Create a Contact File of significant industry players
- Status log per Business Unit
- Development of business synergies
- Tracking technological innovations
Well-balanced, active club with attentive, involved members.
Safety Club
DG Sponsor: Christophe Rousseau
DR Host: François Jouen
Meetings: 2 since Club Launch in 2017
- Mutualization of a shared BET Contact Info data base
- Specific partnerships formed with builders according to specific expertise
- Corporate Data Base: figures for purchases & sales in Safety
- List of certifications/authorizations per Business Unit
Several meetings have been held, each with high attendance proving interest in and for the Club.
A project that’s more detailed and galvanizing (especially on purchases and user-feedback) needs to be fleshed out.
Data Center Club
DG Sponsor: Gilles Vivat
DR Host: Frédéric Draillard, to be replaced by Karine Thevignot
Meetings: 3 since Club Launch in 2017
- Mutualization of a shared Projects Data Base
- Identification of Local Champions pour parvenir à une vraie spécialisation
- Marketing: identify each Business Unit Data Center’s specific added value, in coherence with clients’ vocabulary and functional requirements. Similar to the VINCI Facilities approach.
Club recently and intelligently re-aligned around a “Pro” Data Center offer, identifying RFP initiators in IDF and other French regions. Successful relaunch and dynamic Business Club.
Purchases Club
DG Sponsor: Eric Plumey
Animateur: Christian Amiot
Latest development to boost unity: the e-bundling of Cooling Units.
In follow-up to the strategy implemented for transformers: quotes for purchases are categorized by family or type of equipment, with pre-identification of cost-generation parametersThe data base thus created then enables price estimates according to a specific selection of [pre-defined] parameters.
An extremely interesting exercise insofar as it requires purchaser and technician to co-identify the accurate cost-generation parameters further supporting the transfer of knowledge between project / technical functions and purchasing.
Very active technical Club.
BIM Club
DR Host: Pierre Blanchet
Meetings 3 per year – Next meeting scheduled for June 8, 2018
- Monitoring of the observatoire national des projets
- Manage BIM World Trade Show
- Produce corporate film “BIM: Increase Reliability of Work Site Checks”
Very active closely-knit Tech Club strongly united around the challenges of BIM roll-out.
Commercial Spaces Club
DG Sponsor: Eric Plumey
DR Host: Patrick Bortolino
Meetings: 4 per year – Next meeting scheduled for June 27, 2018 at La Factory
- Execution of action plan
- Organization of client relationships per account
- Mutualization of innovation breakthroughs
- Presentation of VINCI Energies global offer for Retail segment
- Brainstorming our next Prospect Identification tool
- Trade Show attendance: Paris Retail Week
A club that has come to maturity: several years of existence plus regular meetings and attendance. A real catalyst for the segment.
Hospital-Clinic Club
DG Sponsor: Olivier Legrand
DR Host: Abdallah Khoury, Rodolphe Georg
Meetings: 4 per year – Next meeting scheduled for May 29, 2018
- Business prospecting/surveying with identification of specific expertise and actors
- Elaboration of a turn-key/comprehensive or global? Health offer
- Trade Show attendance: Paris Healthcare Week
- Promote Works – Maintenance synergies
Lots of members, proof of the group’s importance. Cultural interaction between “Engineering and Works”, “VINCI Facilities” and “Axians” thought provoking. Long-term federating project to be developed.
GE Club
DG Sponsor: Eric Plumey
DR Host: Philippe Caillère
Monitoring of national General Electric Healthcare project
Dynamic Club proving the interest shown in projects involving GE
DG Sponsor: Patrice Font
DR Host: Philippe Caillère
Meetings: Next meeting scheduled for September 14, 2018
- Survey and Mapping of EHPAD France sites
- Regulatory watch and market study
- Brainstorming concepts that trigger differentiation and innovation: i.e. “Connected Seniors” residences, new services, adapted housing, personalized interiors, new spaces dedicated to wellbeing
- Elaboration of a global VINCI Energies Health offer dedicated to EHPAD and Senior Housing solutions (connected and safe)
Club with attentive, involved members: 3 meetings since 2017.
Fire Prevention Club
Brand new club meeting for the first time in May, 2018
Project to be finalized.
Housing Club
DG Sponsor: Patrick Meillon
New DR Host: Laurent Garnier
Club has yet to hold its first nation-wide meeting.
New appointed host: Laurent Garnier, Business Unit Director – Missenard Energies, taking over for Christophe Bourcier, former Club Host.
CVCD Club – Direct Expansion
CVCD Club – Local Facilities
These Clubs have been closed because deemed redundant with Regional Clubs.
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