Close-up on Cegelec Clim Ouest
Cegelec Clim Ouest, headed by Philippe GUEDON, is one of six business units within Jean CALLAREC’s 100% climate control scope.
It operates at three sites:
- Rennes (two project managers),
- Brest (two project managers),
- Nantes (two project managers).
In Rennes, Cegelec Clim Ouest delivers the VINCI Energies range of solutions and services for chilled water / heating projects and large projects and JOUAN for smaller direct expansion projects.
The JOUAN business unit manager, Julien SOULABAILLE, is a former Cegelec Clim Ouest project manager, which facilitates cooperation between the two business units.
Operating activities
Cegelec Clim Ouest operates in two main markets: building services, most often for new-build projects, and hospital climate control for plumbing projects.
For more than 15 years, specialist design offices have called on the business unit’s technical and regulation capabilities in hospital projects, which are deemed difficult – proving that a business unit able to capitalise on experience and provide stable teams can turn a profit in an environment where others would expect to suffer a loss.
To these two longstanding business activities should be added operations for a small customer base and expanding markets such as Defence.
A technical business unit
It spearheads BIM in the pole’s climate control projects. It has just hired a basic design estimator, calls on a dedicated HVAC purchasing manager within the scope (Nicole Michaud) and is actively considering bringing back in-house the regulation capabilities that have so far been subcontracted.
The business unit’s stated goal is to work with the pole’s electricity business units to build macro-works packages and to take advantage of synergies to boost performance.
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